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Elshadai Erbeto is a stylist recognized for multiple distinctions and awards in the hair industry in both national and international stages. She represented Canada in the highly acclaimed Style Masters International Hair Competition Award in 2013 and she is the winner of Canadian Hairdresser Mirror Awards in 2014.


Elshadai worked in upscale Hamilton salons for the past 8 years, and has a lot of devoted clients. Elshadai has also been picked by L'Oreal Professional as one of their 'Trend Setors'.  


She found Elshadai Salon in 2017.




  • Style Masters International hair competition; International Finalist (top 7) and Canadian title winner, Madrid, Spain, June 2013

  • L’Oréal Colour Trophy, 3rd place New Generation, June 2013

  • Canadian Hairdresser Mirror Awards; winner: Avant Garde; Toronto May 2014

  •  Contessa Canadian Hairstylist Awards; finalist Avant Garde hairstylist; Salon Magazine June 2014

  • Contessa Canadian Hairstylist Awards; semi-finalist session hairstylist; Salon Magazine September 2014



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